Tuesday 17 January 2012


As part of my Coursework three for CMT 1300 I was told to create a blog about the lab sessions which take place every monday from 9:00am to 11:00am every monday. In this blog you will see what I have done each lab session and what I have learnt.

Week 1

In Week 1 I was told what the module was about and what we are going  to study for coursework one which was to create a new design for a TV to help us with this we were shown clips on youtube to see possible ideas. The first coursework was split into three tasks we were told to complete the first task by next week`s lesson. In the lecture we were introduced to our module leader Ray Adams who told us the different types of interaction such as Interactive Television and the future of it and we told the four different dimensions of interaction which is Functions, Forms,Fashions and Fabric.

Week 2

This week we got given feedback in a one a one session with the tutor on the first task of our first assignment. We were also introduced to the second task which is to ask another person to create their own interactive television design. We where told about the third task which is to compare both the designs we where also told the marking scheme which told us that each task was split into six sections and they where all worth 20 marks each. We where also told that our final deadline for the coursework one is week four and we can upload it on uni hub via turn it in submissions and what Interactive television is:

ITV allows the user to control the TV.  Basic control functions include on / off, channel selection, volume and picture qualities.
ITV allows you to purchase the channels that you want, to record programmes and to pause / restart current programmes.
ITV lets you provide feedback and to personalise the contents and methods of presentation.
ITV can provide more complex between program content and the contents of the World Wide Web.

Week 3

In week 3 we where given feedback on all three tasks of our coursework one and the teacher told us what we can improve on my lab tutor told me that I needed to write more as I did not go into depth about what I wrote also that I needed to add a abstract and a summary. Also we were told about plagiarism and that if you copy any work you must reference other wise you will be failed.

Week 4

In week 4 we had to submit our final piece of coursework one as it was deadline week we where told that we had to upload it by Saturday evening at 23:59 on turn it in submissions on uni hub. We were told about user needs and requirements which I learnt about the different types of gathering data such as interviews, questionnaires and observation different ways of recording data including note taking and pictures. finally data analysis which can be qualitative and quantitative this was all useful as it would help me complete the coursework two.

Week 5

The teacher went round the class one by one and we got given our results for our coursework one which I got 63% but I got 5% taken off for late submission which dropped it to 58%. Then we where introduced to coursework two and told that we needed to buy the CD for £12 in the lecture to do this coursework as it had a unique three digit number which we had to quote when we completed the coursework. I also found out that for this module there will be four course works overall and that the first three would be worth 20% each and the final coursework would be worth 40% and to pass you would need to average 40% overall.

Week 6

This week I started it needing help as we were told to start coursework two and I did not know what to do the tutor told me that I had to read the CD which would take a considerable amount of time and then once I had done this I had to pick a topic which had a relation to our course and once I had picked a question to write about which was "why do we need user modelling" I then started my coursework.

Week 7

This week for the seminar we were giving a reading week and where told to use this time wisely to work on our coursework. Although the lab session had not taken place. The lecture had to still be attended and the main focus in the lecture was that if you want you can sign up to take part in a research study to earn an extra 5% overall on your final grade.

Week 8

This week we where told that the deadline for coursework two was going to be next week and the tutor went round the class indivually to see how everyone was progessing the lab tutor told me that my research question was fine and that I should speed up as I had not written alot and I took her advice as for rest of the seminar I carried on with my coursework.

Week 9

Week 9 was quite a shock as we told that it would be the module leader Ray Adams last week at the university at the start of the lab I found it quite hard to concentrate as everyone including myself was talking. As the class went on I did a little bit of work but not much as I would have liked the tutor told me that I needed to conduct a research study as part of my coursework. In Ray Adams last lecture he played us lots of different videos to help us with our coursework.

Week 10

As Ray Adams has left a new module leader takes his place called Dr Rui loureiro I did not attend the lab session as I could not get out of bed but I made sure that I attended the lecture as I knew it would be Important. The new lecturer started with some good news for alot of people by extending the deadline to week 12 but although the deadline was extended we had to carry a three slide presentation saying what we had done in our coursework and we would present this in week 12 in front of our lab session and this would be added to our overall grade for coursework 2.